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Nicole R Vincent

Holistic Help Session

Holistic Help Session


Two days every month, I dedicate to helping others who might not have the means to work with me. I try to help as many as I can in these two days and the help will vary based on each situation and need. I call these sessions my Holistic Help sessions.

If this is you, or a minor child in your care, please fill out the form below. I will intuitively pick and do the work that feels will be of the most benefit to that person and their concerns/issues. Because of this, I can't give a timeline on when your request will be fulfilled or even exactly how it will be fulfilled. I will notify you by text when I am working on you so you can anticipate the notes.

Please only make requests for yourself and minor children you have legal custody of. If you have a spouse, adult child (over the age of 18), or a family member that would benefit from this work, please have them request it on their own. I must have permission from an individual to connect with them energetically. Please help me keep this work full of integrity and honesty by following these guidelines.


Rate for a Holistic Help Session:

Free or If you would like to make a donation, you are welcome to do that before or after the work is finished. It isn't required or expected though.






*We will NOT be meeting face to face or via video chat.

Once selected, I will give you information on receiving your notes. Make sure if you requested the notes via email to check your spam/promotions folder.

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