Feeling a little weighed down or overwhelmed? A quick Energy Refresh Session is a great way to help you feel a little lighter and ready to keep on going. This is NOT a detailed session where a specific concern is addressed. If you would like a specific concern addressed, please book a Holistic Empowerment Session.
In this mini-session, I will check/release the following:
If you're grounded
Release negative and dark cords that may be present
Release any hooks that may be present
Release any intertwined energy that may be present
Release any absorbed emotions that may be present
Release bulk emotions (mix of personal & generational), usually 3-6 different types of emotions
Release ONE of the following, depending on what would benefit you the most:
Negative belief​
Negative program
Energetic obstacle
Check if you need a specific essential oil for shielding and/or emotional support
Rate for Energy Refresh Session:
$30 per session
View a Sample Session HERE
*We will NOT be meeting face to face or via video chat.
After requesting your session, you will receive your notes along with a general audio recording explaining what is done in an Energy Refresh session within 5 to 10 business days of your request. Make sure if you requested the notes via email to check your spam/promotions folder.
Energy Refresh Session
"Wow this is amazing!
I felt so exhausted and now feel so much better.
Feel grounded and clarity again. It was an intense month and needed this refresh, thank you."
— Anna G.
"Thank you! I have no words. I feel lighter and definitely more like myself. Like an “energy vacation “! You rock!"
— Pam M.