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Nicole R Vincent




Putting in positive messages and programming is so important as we strive to be our best selves!  Affirmations & releases can be powerful tools to help bring in that positive energy and level up.  Whether you are looking to level up in your business, get through a personal struggle or hurdle, or just progress towards your highest self, customized affirmations can help you on your way.  As I tune into your energy and needs, I craft these affirmations and release statements just for you and your focus.  Most people will need about six to ten different statements, but it will vary based on each individual.  


With this service, you receive a custom essential oil blend recipe that you can mix up and use to compliment your affirmations.  If you need me to make the blend for you, that will be an additional charge based on the blend that your body needs.  As you use your custom blend along with your affirmations, you will add additional power to the vibration of the words through these powerful oils.  


Feel empowered as you use your custom blend with the affirmations!


Rate for Affirmations:

$50 per session



View Sample Affirmations HERE
























*We will NOT be meeting face to face or via video chat.

After requesting your affirmations, you will receive your affirmation list within 10 to 15 business days of your request. Make sure if you requested the notes via email to check your spam/promotions folder.

Affirmation & custom blend service

Affirmation & custom blend service

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